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People First, People Always
B=f (P,E)
Lewin Equation (1936)

Behaviour = function of the (Person in their Environment)

Lewin Equation

Human beings are creatures of habit and also known for taking the path of least resistance.  So when we sit there and wonder why people behave in a certain way or in a certain situation, it is funny how we think I would never do that or I just do not understand why these mistakes keep happening.


This is where the Lewin equation comes into play and forms the foundation for People First People Always Leadership.  If you think about your team or orgnisation or even your family, each person has experienced different experiences in life.  Could be because of when they were born ie different generational experiences or where they were born ie different cultural experiences or purely the experiences they had growing up.  Within your team you could have people that were born in the 50s or 60s or they could be from the 90s or 2000s, you could also have a melting pot of cultures where people are 1st generation or 4th generation.  All of this fits into the P (People) part of the Lewin equation and part of E (Environment).


When we look into the E (Environment) part of the equation this is talking about the environment that people were brought up in and the everyday environment they are exposed to at work and home each day.  Do you have a positive and proactive culture at work?  Have you created a psycologically safe working environment for your team(s)?


Behaviour is the outcome of the person and the environment they have been exposed too or experience each day.  As leaders we have an opportunity to create and maintain environments where our people can bring their whole self to work every day. If people are given this opportunity, it does not mean that they will not makes mistakes or bring unwanted habits, it means that they will be more willing to improve or stick their hands up and ask for help or let people know that they have made a mistake and be part of the solution.


If we can master the skills required to understand this equation and incorporate it into the way we lead every day, we are on our way to creating an organsiational culture where people will want to come to work every day, no matter the situaton (good times or bad times).

Lewin Equation

Nat's Story


I have been working in mainly manufacturing and building product industries for the last 15 or so years mixed in with a bit of sports admin, oil & gas and breweries.  I have held support function roles where I have looked after Health & Safety, Wellbeing, Sustainability, Quality and Business Performance.  These roles generally have the opportunity to influence the organisations culture and overall performance.


I have also had the privilege to represent the White Ferns (NZ Women’s Cricket Team) and Auckland Hearts (Auckland Women’s Cricket Team) where I was able to learn more about the mental side of professional sport, team culture and how that can be used within the corporate world (and should be done more often).


In todays world, I would love to help influence the way we think of people in our workforce and move away from the world of seeing them as numbers on a spreadsheet.  Let’s give everyone the opportunity to bring their whole self to work every day.  Remember, without your people you do not have an organisation to lead.






People First, People Always 
by Natalee Scripps-Hawkins

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